ART-WERK 2019 is an international forum for creative industries, that took place in Moscow, Russia on November 22-23. The mission of the forum is the development of cooperation and exchange of experience between Russia international representatives of creative industries. Thie year program included more than 30 events, including panel discussions, best practices presentations, workshops, round tables, and an exhibition.

The theme of ART-WERK 2019 was sustainable development, and for the first time, a special section was devoted to sustainable fashion. Infantium Victoria was invited to be one of the featured companies. It was a great honor to be represented at such a high profile event. We decided to feature some of our favorites of the past collections, including hand embroidery dress, garments with knit elements, velvet padded jacket, padded line. Visitors of the booth were very impressed by the textures and variety of organic plant-based material and highly praised the hand feel.

On Friday morning, Infantium Victoria was opening the Sustainable Fashion section with the presentation on our 5 years journey in the field. Julia shared our story, including ups and downs, what we have accomplished in making the fashion industry more ethical and ecological. She also spoke about the plans and our vision for the years to come.

On Saturday afternoon a big panel discussion on sustainable fashion took place. Dinie was one of the featured speakers. The topic of sustainable fashion is fairly new for Russia. But we definitely saw a big interest. Many emerging designers, journalists attended the panel discussion and stayed extra time to exchange.

These two days were filled with an active exchange of opinions and meeting creative enthusiasts. We would like to mention a few people and companies that in our view make a remarkable job.

Firstly, our fellow co-exhibitor FEODORA.Moscow , offering designer streetwear made using zero waste cutting techniques and made locally in Moscow.

Olga Johnston Antonova (left on the image about) is the director of Circula Faihon Russia, very charismatic and inspiring woman passionate about changing the world

Monika Hauck (right on the image above) is a founder of Change Room, a knowledge and community platform which connects sustainably driven fashion. A sustainable fashion geek as she refers to herself.

There is great potential for the Russian market to become the hub for sustainable development. Customers are curious about conscious consumption, there are plenty of farmland available for organic farming, many curious designers and human capital. We are very enthusiastic about the future






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